ALGORITHMS: Introduction to Algorithm Analysis

ALGORITHMS: Introduction to Algorithm Analysis


Algorithms are the step-by-step instructions to solve problems or execute specific tasks efficiently. They are the foundation of countless applications, from searching through user data and sorting user data to finding the optimal routes in navigation systems. Whether you are designing a simple application or a large-scale application, algorithms play a fundamental role in ensuring that the application is both efficient and functional.

Understanding and analyzing algorithms is crucial for optimizing performance and effectively managing system resources like memory and execution time. By analyzing an algorithm's performance as the input size grows, developers can make informed decisions about selecting the best approach for a problem. This knowledge will help them build systems that deliver better user experience while minimizing resource usage.


For a good understanding of algorithm analysis, the first step is to have a basic understanding of programming fundamentals like variables, conditionals, iterations or loops and functions. Make sure you are familiar with any programming language language of your choice as this will help you implement algorithms. A good understanding of a basic data structure like arrays and simple concepts like sorting an array or searching for an item in an array is important as I will be using this data structure in this blog post a lot.

What is Algorithm Analysis?

Algorithm analysis is the process of evaluating an algorithm's performance, primarily in time and space, as the input size grows. Its goal is to help us understand how an algorithm performs and make informed decisions when choosing the best algorithm for a given problem.

What is Algorithm Analysis?

Algorithm analysis is the process of evaluating the efficiency of an algorithm in terms of its resource consumption, primarily time and space, as the input size grows. The goal is to understand how well an algorithm performs and to make informed decisions when choosing the best algorithm for a problem.

Metrics for Algorithm Analysis

Time Complexity

Time complexity measures how the growth of the input size affects the execution time of an algorithm. It is foundational because, it helps predict how an algorithm will scale. Time complexity is often represented using Big-O notation, for example, O(n log n).


  • Linear Time O(n): Looping through an array of n items once. For example, finding the smallest number in an array. As n grows, the execution time of the algorithm grows at the same rate.

  • Quadratic Time O(n²): Nested loops over n elements. For example, in the bubble sort algorithm. As the value of n doubles, the execution time of the algorithm increases by a factor of 4.

  • Logarithmic Time O(log n): This is a very efficient time complexity. A very good example of an algorithm that achieves logarithmic time is the binary search algorithm.

Time complexity matters because if an algorithm scales poorly, it won’t work well with large inputs. Efficient time complexity is important for real-world applications like search engines and data processing systems.

Space Complexity

Space complexity measures how the growth of the input size affects the total memory usage of an algorithm. Space complexity includes both the input data and additional memory required during the execution of the algorithm. Examples:

  • Constant Space O(1): This is achieved by using a few variables regardless of the input size. The space being used stays constant and is not affected by the size of the input.

  • Linear Space O(n): A linear space complexity can be obtained by storing an additional array of size n. For example in merge sort. As the size grows, the total memory needed grows at the same rate.

Space complexity is important in environments and applications with limited memory, such as embedded systems or large-scale applications.


This refers to the performance of an algorithm relative to the size of the input. Scalability answers the question; how well does an algorithm adapt to growth in data? Scalability impacts both time complexity and space complexity:

  • Time Complexity: An algorithm can be said to be scalable if the time complexity remains manageable as the input size grows. Algorithms with time complexities like O(n log n) (e.g. Merge Sort) are more scalable than those with complexities like O(n²)(e.g. Bubble Sort). This means that Merge Sort works better with larger inputs than Bubble Sort.

  • Space Complexity: Efficient memory usage is also critical for scalability. An algorithm that requires little additional memory, like Quick Sort tends to scale better than algorithms that require extra space.

Scalable algorithms are crucial for handling high volumes of data. They ensure the system remains responsive and resource efficient, even under heavy computational workloads.

Big-O Notation

BIg-O notation describes the time complexity and space complexity of an algorithm as the input size grows. It provides an estimate of the worst-case scenario, helping us understand how the growth of the input size affects the performance of an algorithm as it scales.

Common Big-O Classes:

  • Constant Time O(1): The execution time of the algorithm doesn’t change as the input size changes. Example: Accessing an element in an array by an index will always take constant time.

  • Linear Time O(n): As the input size grows, the execution time grows proportionally. Example: Looping through an array of size n.

  • Quadratic Time O(n²): The execution time of the algorithm increases by a value of 4 as the input size doubles.

  • Exponential Time O(2ⁿ):This is a very slow time and algorithms with this time complexity become so slow quickly as the input size grows.

Best, Worst, and Average Cases

The performance of an algorithm can vary based on the size of the input data. Understanding the best, worse and average cases can help estimate the efficiency of an algorithm as it relates to the size of the input data.

Examples from Quick Sort:

  • Best Case:

    • The Best occurs when the pivot divides the array into two halves.

    • Time Complexity: O(n log n)

    • Example: Sorting [3, 7, 1, 8, 5] and picking number 1 as your pivot.

  • Average Case:

    • The average case occurs when the algorithm randomly selects a pivot with reasonably equal or nearly equal inputs.

    • Time complexity: O(n log n)

    • Example: Sorting this kind of array [8, 4, 7, 3, 6, 1, 2, 5].

  • Worst Case:

    • The worst case occurs when the choice of pivot is always either the smallest or largest element in the array, leading to highly unbalanced halves.

    • Time complexity: O(n²)

    • Example: Sorting an already sorted or reverse-sorted array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] with the last element as the pivot.

Analyzing Algorithms Step-by-Step

Binary search algorithm is an algorithm that takes an input of sorted elements, searches through it and returns the position of the target value.


FUNCTION binary_search(array, target):
    low = 0
    high = length(array) - 1

    WHILE low <= high:
        mid = (low + high)
        IF array[mid] == target:
            RETURN mid
        ELSE IF target < array[mid]:
            high = mid - 1
            low = mid + 1
    RETURN -1

Step-by-Step Analysis Of Binary Search Algorithm:

Time Complexity Analysis:

  • Best Case O(1): The best case occurs when the target element is found at the middle index in the first iteration.

  • Worst Case O(log n): The worst case occurs when the search space is halved at each step.

  • Average Case O(log n): The average case is the same as the worst case.

Space Complexity Analysis:

  • O(log n): Logarithmic space complexity is gotten when the algorithm uses the recursive implementation due to recursion stack usage.

  • O(1): Constant space complexity is gotten with the iterative implementation this is because it doesn’t require a recursion stack.

Trade-offs in Algorithm Selection

When selecting an algorithm to use in solving a problem, we are often faced with the sweet problem of choosing a solution that will either favour time complexity or space complexity. Algorithms often require the trade-off between speed and memory usage. For example, a fast algorithm may consume more memory, while a slower algorithm may use less memory but take longer to execute. Understanding the trade-off between time complexity and space complexity is important when trying to solve a problem.

Practical Examples:

  • Server Environments: High-performance servers with more memory and parallel processing capabilities will prioritize fast algorithms even if they consume more memory. For example, the Quick Sort algorithm.

  • Mobile Environments: Devices with limited processing power and memory prioritize algorithms that prioritize space usage. For Example, the Merge Sort algorithm.

Why is Algorithm Analysis Important?

Analyzing algorithms can help estimate how well an algorithm will handle large datasets, this knowledge is crucial for ensuring that computer systems remain efficient and responsive as the input data increases. Inefficient algorithms may lead to slow processing time or system crashes because of how computer resources are used. On the other hand, optimized algorithms can save processing time and computational resources.

Algorithm analysis has been applied in areas like system design — efficient algorithms are the bedrock for building scalable systems, product search optimization in search engines or recommendation systems by ensuring that these systems can process queries and provide needed responses quickly.

Real-World Relevance Of Algorithm Analysis

Algorithm analysis plays a crucial role in solving large-scale problems and optimizing system performance across various real-world situations:

1. Web Applications and Services

Algorithms optimize the performance of web applications by optimizing search results, balancing load across distributed servers using load-balancing algorithms and reducing server response time, to name a few.

2. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Training machine learning models often involves working with very large datasets. Efficient algorithms are essential for reducing the training time and improving prediction accuracy.

3. Efficient Data Processing

In industries like finance and social media, large amount of data need to be processed quickly and accurately. The use of efficient algorithms ensure that analytics and reports can be generated in real-time or near real-time.

4. Mobile and Embedded Systems

On devices like smartphones and IoT gadgets, where resources are limited, choosing algorithms with low memory and power requirements is crucial for maintaining performance and even the battery life of the device.

5. Logistics and Route Optimization

In supply chain management and delevery services, algorithms like Dijkstra’s algorithm, A* algorithm can help to find the shortest paths between two nodes in a graph, where nodes can represent locations and the edges represent routes with weights(like distance or travel time). Companies like Amazon, AliExpress and FedEx rely heavily on route optimization algorithms.


In this blog post, we have explored how to analyze algorithms effectively — understanding how algorithms perform in terms of memory usage, speed and their trade-offs. These insights are invaluable for developers looking to write better code and build systems that can scale.

The ability to analyze and improve algorithms is more important than ever as our applications need to process more data and handle more computational tasks. This topic is foundational whether you are building large-scale systems or just participating in coding competitions.

I encourage you to put all you have learned here you practice. Start with any project you are currently working on - try different approaches to solving a problem, measure their performance, and the impact of analyzing algorithms firsthand.